Companion App -> Job Preview, Barcode and Needles


#1 -> JOB - This is the JOB name (order name / output file name / design file name / production file name)


#2 -> Preview - This is the preview windows of the job you searched and selected


#3 -> Barcode - This is the barcode generated based up on the JOB Name (order name / output file name / design file name / production file name). Make sure it doesn’t contain any special characters and it can only be Alpha Numeric and it should be in UPPER CASE. You can search a job on a tablet connected to the companion app and then scan the barcode on the machine using a barcode scanner to download the designs into the machine. 


#4 -> Design Colors - Once you select a JOB this section will match the needle colors from the design file to the machine needle colors. If there was not match found then you need to "SET NEEDLE" and "SUBMIT"


NOTE : Please note that if the machine has selected/checked "Is Use Default Needles" (In Machine settings) enabled then the changes you make will update the Default Needles settings and this will be applied to all the machine which uses this default settings. If the machine has not selected/checked "Is Use Default Needles" (In Machine settings) then the changes you make will impact only the machine which is selected in the dropdown.